Tuesday 8 February 2011

New and Digital Media Qs

1. Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institutions involved in your case study area?

My first case study for the impact of New and Digital Media is the social network Facebook which is owned by facebook Inc and the creator of this social network is Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook was created in February 2004. My second case study is Twitter which is owned by twitter Inc and was launched in July 2006. My last case study is MySpace which was created in August 2003.
At first Facebook started off as a social network for Harvard University students, but then expanded to other universities such as Boston, Ivy League and Stanford University. It gradually opened to other students in high school and then finally to anyone that is 13 or older.

2. What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media product involved in your case study?
The internet is an obvious way in which audience can consume media texts such as, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. The internet is the main and only way people can consume my media products. Audience can also consume my media products through their smart phones ("Already, one-third of Facebook's traffic is generated by mobile") which have access to the internet. So audience can access their media products through their smart phone as well; not only with their computers or laptops. And now that there are technological advances, things such iPads and smart phones are alternative ways for audience to consume media products.

4. Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digital media?
Facebook users have grown significantly over a couple of years. In August 2008 there were 100 million users, by April 2009 it was 200 million, in September it was 300 million, in February 2010 it was 400 million users, in July 2010 it was 500 million and by January 2011 it was 600 million users.
Facebook users are also Global, with users found in France, New Zealand, Spain, India and the

5. Who are the primary target audience now and has this changed?
Facebook Audience
Current Target Audience – 13+
Original Target Audience – Harvard University Students
Twitter Audience
Current Target Audience – 13+
Original Target Audience – same
MySpace Target Audience
Current Target Audience –
Original Target Audience – same

6. How have the audiences responded to the changes? Is there more customer choice? Is there evidence of a more pluralistic model?
There is evidence of a more pluralistic model, especially in terms of Facebook. Facebook is essentially a social network which is run by the users and the users make this social network popular an attractive by spending a lot of time on it. There seems to be as much user generated content as the institutional content, since the users can upload pictures and videos. It is the same case with MySpace because the users can upload their own music and share them with other users.

7. What concerns are there for the media institutions involved in your case study as a result of the impact of new and digital media?

8. What are the political and social implications of the new technologies and the methods of their consumption?
In terms of political implications of new technologies Facebook can play a crucial part. For example the recent crisis in Egypt, Facebook was an important aspect because Groups were created to organise riots in the capital city of Egypt, Cairo. So therefore Facebook has been used to for political change and it could be the reason for political change in Egypt.
In terms of social implications social networks such as Twitter can impact the social aspect of people lives since people can communicate with people anywhere around the world in the comfort of their home for example. Also Twitter is known for its Celebrity active users such as Britney Spears, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore and the fact that celebrities and ordinary people and fans can communicate with each other is breaking the barrier in social interaction.

9. Consider the effects so far, and possible effects in the future, on media institutions involved in your case study.

Facebook users will continue to grow on a huge scale
Will facebook be "The next Microsoft or Google?"
Lens-FitzGerald believes the company is at its peak and that its greatest period of innovation is over. "Like Google five years ago and Microsoft at the end of the 90s.

Gaming will play an important role in exploring the potential of technologies like augmented reality, building interest in the medium while mapping out what is possible and popular. The commercial applications come later, as needs emerge.

10. What issue may there be regarding media effects and regulation censorship as a result if changes due to new and digital media?
In the past people have created Fake profiles on Facebook and Twitter posing to be others; generally celebrities. Crimes that occurred due to Facebook have also been apparent, “Crimes linked to Facebook reached more than 100,000 across the country in the last five years”. Crimes such as Frauds, sexual offences and hate crimes have been reported.

Peter Chapman, left, kidnapped, raped and murdered 17-year-old Ashleigh Hall, right, after entrapping her on Facebook using a false identity

11. Are there any cross-cultural factors and effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study?

Facebook is now global and can be accessed in North American, Europe, Asia and Australia with approximately 600 million users which is double the population of the United States of America.

12. Consider theoretical perspectives in relation to the impact of new and digital media in your case study. Marxism, Hegemony, Liberal Pluralism, colonialism and audience theories.

socialising and interaction

uses and gratifification

A sense of belonging

personal indentification



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